Academy Information
Aspiration. Ambition. Courage. Respect
Greenfields Primary School stands proud as the oasis in the community where every child has the right to succeed and feel proud of their individual achievements.
Our pupils are proud of their gifts and talents and as a school we strive not only to identify these but to celebrate each child’s successes of any size.
We are a vibrant, happy and caring school where the pupils achieve the highest possible standards. Staff, pupils and parents work together within a creative, active and positive learning environment to ensure security, stability and success for every child.
Our Aims
- To create a happy and caring school where the pupils are keen to learn, are offered a variety of experiences and everyone is valued
- To set the highest expectations of pupil achievement, attitudes, welfare and behaviour
- To develop positive, respectful relationships between staff, parents and pupils to enhance pupil achievement and help to promote our school in the local community
- To embrace new initiatives to help establish creative, active, and positive learning experiences within a modern and vibrant environment
- To offer an inclusive education which emphasises security, stability and success for all our pupils
Our School Day
- 8.40am School Day starts
- 10.45am-11.00am Morning Break for KS1 and KS2
- 12.00pm Lunch Break
- 13.00pm Afternoon lessons begin
- 15.10pm School finishes for EYFS and KS1
- 15.20pm School finishes for KS2
Meet our Staff
Senior Leadership Team
Headteacher: Mrs Sandra Appleby
Associate Headteacher & SENCo: Mrs Claire Tyrrell-Smith
SLT/ EYFS Specialist: Miss Rebecca Wood
Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Eve Kenny
Admin Team
Senior Academy Administrators: Miss Andreia Dias
Academy Administrators: Mrs Clare Jones and Mrs Amy Critchley
Inclusion Team
SENCo: Mrs Claire Tyrrell-Smith
Family Support Workers: Mrs Elizabeth Baker and Mrs Wahida McNally
On Site Team
Site Supervisor: Mr Brian Jones
Cleaners: Mrs Trudi Brooke, William Lacey, Berlinda Goodwin and Susan Mureithi
Lunchtime Team
Senior Lunchtime Playworkers: Mrs Mandy Elliott
Lunchtime Playworkers: Miss Sharnie Love, Ms Mariana Schiopu and Mx Melissa Paton
Pastoral and Inclusion Team
Safeguarding Lead and SENCO: Claire Tyrrell-Smith
Family Support Worker: Elizabeth Baker/Wahida McNally
Behaviour Lead: Danie Wensley
Pastoral Leads: Danie Wensley / James Reid/ Tony Hughes/ James Thorne/Kirsty Casey
Curriculum Leadership Team
Maths: Tony Hughes/ Eve Kenny
Science: Berlinda Asumang
Art & DT Kirsty Casey/Molly Bryce
PSHE/ RE: Lyndsey Jennings
IT & Computing: Barbara Smith
Physical Education: Tony Hughes
Modern Foreign Languages : Suki Birdy
Music: James Thorne/ Steven Mayes
House Leads
Adlington: Tony Hughes
Ennis: Kirsty Casey
Farah: James Thorne
Hoy: James Reid