The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Greenfields Primary School & Nursery

Greenfields Primary School and Nursery stands proud as an oasis in the community where every child has the right to succeed and feel proud of their individual achievements.

Meet the Team

Early Years


 Ladybirds and Grasshoppers Nursery Lead: Mrs Hayley Bayes   




Ladybirds Nursery Assistants: Miss Hayley Freeman, Miss Abigail Coleman, Miss Megan Winham and Miss Olivia Hicks, Miss Kimberley Candelario, 

Nursery Apprentice: Poppy Houghton

Reception Teachers and Support Team

Dragonflies: Ms Kirsty Casey

Busy Bees: Miss Rebecca Wood / Mrs Suki Birdy

Reception Support Staff: Ms Tracey Buckby/Mrs Tori Coulson/Mrs Hannah Biggs/Mrs Lorraine Pope

Key Stage One


Year One Teachers/ Support Staff

Happy Hyenas:  Miss Molly Bryce / Mrs Lucia Ali
Terrific Tigers: Mr Steven Mayes / Mrs Dot Hale



Year Two Teachers/ Support Staff

Smart Snakes: Mr James Reid/ Kieron Hawthorn
Excellent Elephants: Miss Michelle Lear/ Miss Samantha Coleman

Sen Support Staff: Mrs Becky Blount and Miss Lilly Breakspear-Cox


Lower Key Stage Two 

Year Three Teachers/ Support Staff

Flying Foxes: Mrs Danie Wensley/Mrs Amanda Foster
Marvellous Meerkats: Mrs Barbara Smith/ Mr Aiden Bailey

Year Four Teachers/Support Staff

Remarkable Rhinos: Miss Lynsey Jennings/ Mrs Manal Yassin           

Powerful Panthers:   Mrs Della Mitchell, Mrs Lucy Black/ Mrs Manal Yassin / Miss Wonfor      


Upper Key Stage Two 

Year Five Teachers/Support Staff

 Super Sharks: Mrs Berlinda Asumang/ Mrs Thuraya Abdel-Fattah
 Champion Cheetahs: Mr James Thorne/ Mrs Thuraya Abdel-Fattah

Year Six

Proud Lions: Mrs Eve Kenny/Mrs Linda White
Soaring Eagles:  Mr Tony Hughes/Mrs Darka Baric/ Jayne Hicks