The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Greenfields Primary School & Nursery

Greenfields Primary School and Nursery stands proud as an oasis in the community where every child has the right to succeed and feel proud of their individual achievements.

Food Glorious Food - School Dinner Survey

This week, Year Six have been finding out what children across the school think about school dinners. They are helping out Caterlink, who provides our school dinners, find out what children like, dislike and what they would improve. School dinners are a popular option in school and set children up to enjoy their afternoons - especially as the weather gets colder!

If you would like to complete the Caterlink survey with your child, please follow this link - the link expires at midnight tonight (Friday), so get your skates on and have your say!


Once Caterlink have compiled the results, they will share them with the school council, and we will let you know via the newsletter.