The David Ross Education Trust

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Greenfields Primary School & Nursery

Greenfields Primary School and Nursery stands proud as an oasis in the community where every child has the right to succeed and feel proud of their individual achievements.

KS2 Josephine Hart Poetry Performance Competition!

Greenfields is entering the DRET Poetry Competition again this year! Those children who wanted to enter the competition (with a chance to win the final at Bringhurst and perform at the Nevill Holt Opera House in the Summer term) have practised and polished their performances .A class winner was then chosen and they went through to the next stage of the competition, where the judging panel, consisting of the Head Girl and Head Boy along with their deputies decided with Miss Kenny. The two Greenfields winners will be performing at Bringhurst in the next round! The quality of ALL the auditions was excellent, which made judging a very difficult task! 

The judging panel are excited to announce that the entrants through to the next round are...

Farouq from Year Four, who astounded them with his dramatic performance of 'Maccavity, the Mystery Cat' and Zyna from year Five, whose performance of 'Beowulf' demonstrated her natural ability to engage her audience.

CONGRATULATIONS to Farouq and Zyna! Greenfields are looking forward to seeing them perform in the finals! Years Four and Five have two future performers in their midst! WATCH THIS SPACE.