The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Greenfields Primary School & Nursery

Greenfields Primary School and Nursery stands proud as an oasis in the community where every child has the right to succeed and feel proud of their individual achievements.

Reception is Everything It Is Cracked Up To Be!

It has been super eggs-iting this week in Reception as the eggs arrived and the chicks hatched in the warmth of the incubator.  The children have loved learning about the life cycle of the chickens, how to treat animals well and look after them, and seeing the hatching miracle first hand.  The children named the chicks Nugget, Ferrari, Rose, Love Heart, Rainbow and Daisy.

We are careful to always use eggs from ethical breeders, who help us hatch the eggs safely, look after the chicks, and then rehome them when they leave us.