Special educational needs and disability (SEND)
Greenfields Primary School has an Inclusion Team that, along with the teaching assistants in the school, provides support across the school for children with the 4 areas of need as defined in the SEN Code of Practice 2014:
- Communication and interaction
- Cognition and learning
- Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
- Sensory and/or physical needs
How does the school identify and assess children with Special Educational Needs?
Children are identified as having a Special Educational Need and their needs assessed through:
- Information passed from other schools/nurseries that the child has attended
- EYFS Foundation Stage Profile, KS1 or KS2 tests
- Baseline testing and progress data during the year
- Pupil Premium interventions not showing impact
- Referrals from parents/carers
- Pupil’s own referrals
How are children with Special Educational Needs taught?
We believe in a varied educational diet for all children!
- Quality First Teaching that is challenging, interesting and exciting, with appropriate differentiation in place
- Extra adult support where appropriate
- Personalised provision through well-monitored, time limited provision
- Personalised provision through adapted resources and interventions.
How do we know if children with Special Educational Needs are doing well at school?
We track all children to check to see if they are learning as well and as quickly as they can, so they achieve their very best. This is no different for children with SEN. At least termly, the impact of adaptations and intervention on children’s progress and attainment is completed. We make changes as necessary in light of our findings. Progress and evaluation is reported to the Governor with responsibility for SEN. The SENCo reports termly to the Governing Body and the SEN Information Report is posted on our website.
How do we help children and their families take part in the assessment and progress of their children?
These arrangements include:
- Data tracking and pupil progress
- Support plans and EHCP reviews
- Observations and follow ups
- Meetings with other professionals
- Parents’ meeting
SENCO: Mrs C Tyrrell -Smith